What are the General Checklists for Civil Engineering Construction?
The Common Types of Construction Checklists
Features of Construction Checklists
Different Types of Concretes
High Level Checklists for RCC
Tips for Making Construction Checklists
Construction Checklist are a set of pre prepared instructions or exercises that a Project Manager and his team must ensure their follow up and investigate to guarantee that the deliberate of a venture are of progressive and acceptable nature. The checklists are the tools that can help the project outcomes of being of qualitative nature, enhancing the project sustainability

The Common Types of Construction Checklists are:
Pre-Construction Checklists
During Construction Checklists
Post construction Checklists
Health, Safety, Security and Environment Checklists
Resource Availability Checklists
Quality Assurance Checklists
Features of Construction Checklists
Construction checklists are effective tools for risk mitigation and helps in maintaining measures related to health and safety.
Checklist development separates the complicated exercises / activities into simple, actionable steps and categorizes the items, materials and so forth in distinct way.
Checklists provide an exhaustive and satisfactorily organized development agenda for the effective execution of various development phases and activities. It helps to overcome the human mistakes.
The development of checklists helps in maintaining responsibilities and accountability.
Development of checklists act as relief measure to the management as it assures quality output.
Construction projects are outcome of application of art and science involving not only the various discipline of engineering, but also the knowledge of management for sustainability of the projects. The blog covers important aspects of civil engineering used in the project completion associated with practical knowledge of other branch of engineering for required workplace operations considering the importance of quality in all operations including the Health, Safety, Security, and Environment. The overall construction supervision must take care of all the aspects in workplace operations.
Concrete is a product obtained from mixing coarse aggregates, fine aggregates, cementitious and supplementary cementitious materials, fibers, water, and admixtures. The types of concrete mentioned here are from 7.5 MPa (ordinary concrete) to around 400 MPa (UHPC).
Very specialized plants with management controls are required for handling all such type of concrete and specially UHPC. Most the plants may not be able to fulfil the requirements. However, UHPC is available as ready to mix packs and can be purchased, transported, and used.

All the types of concrete (mass concrete and reinforcement concrete) require special attention right from material management, manufacture, transportation, and placement of concrete and there after curing of concrete. All these operations are handled by total quality people as per the requirement of work.
The magnitude of work may vary from project to project, and therefore it is important to have checks at various stages so that a quality product is delivered.
Here in this blog brief description of various stages in construction is described.
Different Types of Concretes

Please refer blog on different types of concrete. Following topics are covered in this blog.
Types of Concrete – Nominal Mix Concrete
Types of Concrete -Design Mix Concrete
Data Required for Design Mix Concrete
Brief description for types of concrete
Summary of Different types of Concrete
Project Concrete Requirements Management

All the types of concrete (mass concrete and reinforcement concrete) require special attention right from material management, manufacture, transportation, and placement of concrete and there after curing of concrete. All these operations are handled by total quality people as per the requirement of work.
The magnitude of work may vary from project to project, and therefore it is important to have checks at various stages so that a quality product is delivered.
Here in this blog brief description of various stages in construction is described.

A checklist as specified in reference to work requirements, must be prepared and used by construction team as baseline requirement. The baseline requirement may be different for different projects.
High Level Checklists for RCC
Following high-level checklists, are suggestive for reinforced concrete works, but not limited to:
- Checklist for general supervision
General Supervision Checklist Adopted by —————————-for site—————————Check For
1 | All the plans associated with scope, cost, time, quality, human resources, communication, risk, procurement, and stakeholder management are in place. |
2 | Required construction supervision (CS) staff is available at site in shifts or as per work time requirement. |
3 | Construction program has been made available to construction agency, CS team |
4 | Adequacy of construction agency’s (CA) resources and commitment to manage resources as per project timeline. |
5 | Preparation of concrete lift program with reference to structural requirements and work management is in place. |
6 | Progress monitoring status meetings with Construction agency CA has been discussed. |
7 | Check that revised drawings are being used. Superseded drawings should be clearly marked. |
8 | Check that the team understands the complete structural layout and requirements of other engineering streams are duly addressed. |
9 | Lift drawings are available. Embedment details in each lift must be clearly understood. |
10 | Inspection request / okey card system is in place. |
11 | Check that the material, equipment, and staff, to face emergency situation is available. |
12 | Ensure that required measures for health, safety, security, and environment are in place. |
13 | Concerns of the stakeholders must be addressed. |
14 | CA field labs are established with necessary equipment |
15 | Field laboratory and batching plant laboratory are adequately staffed with well-planned real time communication system. |
16 | Random checks are being done and recorded by CS team for various other activities. A system must be in place for the same. |
17 | Site Order Book (SOB) is being used effectively with reference to instructions and their compliances |
18 | Quality Manual (QM) has been viewed effectively by CS team |
19 | Repair instructions have been cognized for effective implementation by CS team |
20 | Grouting instructions have been organized for effective implementation by CS team |
21 | Batching plant is an important machine to prepare concrete. Ensure that checklists associated with batching plant operations are strictly followed. |
22 | Processed material is being cleaned with adequate amount of water properly for silt removal and is free from organic matter. The material is stacked properly There is no intermixing of materials |
23 | Required existing screen sizes are in order at Processing Plant |
24 | Batching plant (BP) calibration arrangement exists as per requirement and insure full calibration of BP at a time. (Aggregate, cement, admixtures, & water) |
25 | Automatic report generation process at BP is functioning properly. It is must to check the outputs and inputs for effectiveness. |
26 | Bins at BP are well guarded to avoid intermixing different type o materials. |
27 | Workability requirement of concrete (slump) is site specific need. Accordingly, it should be mentioned in OK card by the CA and work shall not be started without OK cards |
28 | Steel and cement should be from approved manufacturers. Cement shall be used based on first in first out within three months of manufacturing dated |
29 | Procure MTR (material test report) with each type of batch of material supply |
30 | Check for availability of concrete transportation equipment to the work site. Staff must be available for transporting of concrete |
31 | For large quantities of work, concrete placement is done in continuous shifts. Necessary measures related to resources must be ensured. |
32 | Concrete placement efforts must be as per specifications and in conformity with the transported concrete. |
33 | Work method statement duly approved must be in place for providing directions to CA and CS team. Instruction related to concrete finish works, surface preparation is the part of method statement and must be strictly followed |
34 | Timely removal of forms, repair work as per repair methods and curing arrangements are necessary requirements. Arrangements need to be ensured. |

2. Checklists for BP operation.
QA/QC Checklist adopted by —————————-for site————————–
Item | Status (Y / N / OK) | Remark | |
General | |||
1 | Arrangements of washing at processing plant | ||
2 | Batching plant (BP) recording system status for various ingredients | Auto Recording Manual Recording Non Recording | |
3 | Moisture measurements and adjustments | ||
4 | Mix design adjustments status | ||
5 | Cement | ||
Manufacturing date of stock available | |||
6 | Manufacturer’s test report | ||
7 | Order of usage of cement. First arrival first use | ||
Concrete works | |||
8 | Lab setup | ||
9 | List of equipment and last calibration date (attach list) | ||
10 | Availability of Procedures Manual | ||
11 | Designations QA/QC staff lab | ||
1 | |||
2 | |||
3 | |||
4 | |||
5 | |||
6 | |||
12 | Status of tests for; | ||
Aggregates | |||
Sieve analysis | |||
Sieve analysis | |||
Compressive strength | |||
Specific gravity | |||
Water absorption | |||
Flakiness | |||
Soundness | |||
Loss angels | |||
Cement | |||
13 | Mortar Strength | ||
14 | Shrinkage | ||
15 | Heat of hydration | ||
16 | Setting times | ||
Tests on fresh concrete | |||
17 | Slump at plant | ||
18 | Slump at placing point | ||
Tests on hardened concrete | |||
19 | Cube strength | ||
20 | Core strength | ||
21 | Analysis cube strength | ||
22 | Designations of QA/QC staff site | ||
1 | |||
2 | |||
3 | |||
4 | |||
5 | |||
6 |
All above checks shall be duly signed by the concerned persons for assuring quality. May be recorded in following format.
Sig. | Sig. | ||
Date | Date | ||
Name | Name | ||
Design. | Design. | ||
(Site in charge contractor) | (QA/QC——TUL) |
3, Site Order Book Format
A simple effective site order book format. May be developed electronically for Realtime use.
Sl. No | Date | Instructions issued on the Inspection of work with Signature and designation | Construction Agency / CA representative acknowledgement with Signature, Name & Date | Compliance report by construction Agency / CA representative with Signature, Name & date | Final remarks of site Engineer with Signature, designation & date |
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 |
Tips for Making Construction Checklists
Construction Checklists are part of project construction management system. They provide broad information to carry forward the project through its various stage to a successful closure stage
The construction checklist developer must have a good understanding of the project.
The checklist should be functionally good and easy to understand and follow.
These checklists must be discussed in toolbox meetings so that construction workforce is aware of them.