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TechConsults - What We Do!

TechConsults (TC), help build competencies in construction projects for complex business environment supported by professional proAject management approach.

Good Practices

TC efforts shall be for enhancing construction project management with wisdom, knowledge, good practices, tools, and techniques supported by HSSE (Health Safety Security Environment) and TQM (Total Quality Management).


Manage Projects

 Project Management utilizes both art and science to manage a project. Whereas the art is used to manage the most important resources, the man and its behavior by skillfully applying the application of interpersonal and conceptual skills related to managing team building, negotiation, decision making, motivation, politics, coaching , conflicts, communication and influence , the other part involves use of knowledge, technique and application prescribed for execution of project management processes

Projects are the requirement of the organization to fulfil its business need, such as  market demands, social, political and environment need, customer requests, legal requirements and   technological advancement. These projects are Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, and Time bound and  are of temporary nature and closes after completion. The efficiency and effectiveness of the project need to be maintained.

Construction projects work in an environment of political, social and economic changes and challenges in its life cycle. Various disciplines of engineering are involved and  need to be  coordinated. Project Manager is there to look after the all knowledge areas, project processes  from inception of projects to closing of the project, and is ably supported by the construction managers.

TechConsults is competent and believes in standard project management principles and practices and shall interact from this platform for sharing the experiences.

TechConsults is competent and believes in standard construction management principles and practices and shall interact from this platform for sharing the experiences.

Our Experts

Er SK Saxena

Er Shashi Kant Reddy

Er Balkrishnan P

Dr Ruchi Sinha Saxena





The man, machine, method, money and motivation are to be judiciously and timely planned for proper execution and require Project Management Skills and a greater attention towards HSSE and financial management to overcome the constraints such  as time, cost, quality , resource and risk.


Manpower in various disciplines is engaged at project sites. Proper living conditions, hygiene, preventive healthcare, post illness care is must for these men to remain in action and active participation in the project construction activities.

Construction people in over and underground spaces work with the use of different sets of equipment, moving and stationary at site. As such all necessary precautions must be taken to pre and post-accident procedures and follow up, along with instructions for use of machines and equipment for the safety of the work force .
Projects require location specific protection in the project areas from unwanted persons and animals for the safety of man, machine, money and material and for the safety of entire project

Not only of the workplace but in the adjoining area is to be maintained to the required standards. The environment gets affected due to changes in the existing state of air ,land and water by mixing of muck etcetera, during the construction process. The waste materials, water, gases and excavated material pose a threat to the environment and as such they should be disposed of to the required standard so that environmental conditions of the area and the surrounding and of the nation are maintained. This becomes particularly important when the environment affects the multiple countries.

TechConsults is competent and believes in standard construction management principles and practices and shall interact from this platform for sharing the experiences.

Quality is concern for all  – every project or service from development to user interface. Organizations must bear all sort of external and internal pressures to update their products and services to stay in market supply and demand. The best principle for organizations is to ‘decide and do’ about their quality policy.
And to translate this ‘decide and do’, into actions, Organizations have to develop Quality Management System consisting of Quality Planning, Quality Assurance, Quality Control and feedback, to further plan and assure the quality of products and services , using state of art monitoring process with Desire , Direction , Dedication and Discipline.
TechConsults is competent and believes in standard quality  management principles and practices and shall interact from this platform for sharing the experiences.
The execution of projects is headed by the project skilled manpower who have the desire, directions, dedication to deliver the project. These human resources are very important, and project must care these resources in aspects of health, safety, security and environment, taking in consideration all legal and regulatory measures.
TechConsults is competent and believes in standard HSSE principles and practices and shall interact from this platform for sharing the experiences.


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