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August 2022

Necessity of Sleep at Workplaces SK 82

Sleep patterns and wake-up patterns are different for different people, and these depend on chronotypes. Generally, an adult requires seven to nine hours of sleep so that he wakes up in a refreshed state and carries forward with workplace operations to earn a livelihood.

Understanding sleep patterns in Workplace Operations SK 81

Excerpts – A workforce person’s chronotype is the propensity ( a natural tendency to behave) for the individual to sleep at a particular time during a 24-hour period thereby affecting the output of the individual and the entire workforce. As such it is necessary to understand the chronotypes in the workforce.

Understand Biological Clocks or Body Clocks, and Circadian Rhythm. – A Workplace requirement SK 80

Biological clocks are organisms’ natural timing devices. There are several such biological clocks, which are controlled by a master clock in the brain – SCN (suprachiasmatic nucleus).

Many physiological processes in our body are controlled by the biological clock and show circadian rhythmicity. ( Appear at regular time in the day – 24 hours)

Biological rhythm (BR) is a phrase often used interchangeably with circadian rhythm. These rhythms are a series of bodily functions (physical processes) regulated by the body’s internal clock. They control cycles like sleep and wakefulness, body temperature, hormone secretion, and more.