Summarize the Project
Target Date
Risk level
(The major components of the project, the major activities of each component and their expected outputs, outcomes, and indicators for measuring the achievement of outcomes activities, outputs or outcomes)
Project Design
(State the extent to which the stakeholders ensured the project was commensurate with the Borrower’s capacity to implement by designing the project appropriately and by putting in place the necessary implementation arrangements. Consider all major design aspects, such as extent to which project design considered lessons learned from previous PCRs in the sector, and Borrower assessed the capacity of the implementing agencies and/or Project Implementation Unit; scope of consultations and partnerships; economic rationale of project)
For following each dimension of project design and readiness for implementation, provide a brief assessment:
Matching project complexity with country capacity and political commitment.
Inclusion of risk parameters in project design.
Project procurement, financial management, monitoring and/or other systems are based on those already in use.
Clearly defined responsibilities for project implementation.
Necessary implementation documents
Pre-determined monitoring indicators and monitoring plan
Baseline data– were available or were collected during project design.