Categories: Construction

Overcoming Perfectionism 67

Overcoming Perfectionism

Quantitative aspects, such as implementation of quality management system at your workplace, is admirable, but the implementation must not be done following perfectionism traits. Be practical, proactive and use emotional tactics to keep a control on perfectionism and ultimately for good quality outputs.


Perfectionism is a personality trait in the individual. One must first understand perfectionism within, and the type of perfectionism to be overcome. One must accept the perfectionism within and must have desire to overcome it. There are  needs to apply the  necessary directions with dedication and discipline, on the suggested measure to control perfectionism. And have patience as, it takes time to manage changes.

Perfectionist wants the things to be done in a set order / sequence, before the start of work. Following this approach, work may be delayed or not complete at all and there may be time and cost overrun. Th right thing is to get the work stared and manage the required changes during execution process.

Perfectionism is not your fried.

It is roadblock to success.

Perfectionism can turn into a compulsive disorder ( a strong desire not controllable)


If you struggle with perfectionism, here are some strategies, you can follow to ensure avoiding perfectionism in the way of progress.

Strategies for Perfectionism Control

 Perfectionism with negative perceived  impact may affect your project execution at the workplace. Some strategies need to be adopted in such cases. A few are suggested here.

Have an accurate assessment of the perfectionists’ suggestions.

You are managing a project. During the project management period you have planned the different knowledge area carefully in consultation with the project team. You have a great start as it contains objectivity.

The project has stakeholders of all sorts. They may be from any stream of profession. In the ongoing stage of the project, we hear criticism on the ongoing activities of the project or on the project.

 You cannot stop stakeholders from their comment on the perfect ways to use, in project management. They put up all sort of  ifs and buts and their ifs and butts revolve around perfectionism, on the actions being taken for project construction.

Will you rethink on the project execution on the tips of the stake holder? You need to do an assessment with the involvement of project team and key positive stakeholder, as regards  to the project execution and try to find out the path and actions on which you are moving to achieve the project goal. If all is well – go on and have efforts to manage the perfectionist stake holders.

You must manage these perfectionists.

Properly utilize the resources.

Go for doing the good things . Avoid perfectionism in each activity .Use your energy  to see how better you can utilize your resources.

Focus on what has been done and improvise the action plan.

A project is a bundle of activities. Stress on the completion of each activity in a state so that you can start other activity. This should be the focus, not the project completion. After successful completion of each activity, positively auto suggest yourself and enjoy the actions with the team.

Learn from Mistakes.

Hiding your mistakes from others have two-fold actions.

You are not correcting  to act it in normal way – (that is when it is known to everybody.)

You want to show your perfectionism and stressing yourself.

Both cases are harmful. Mistakes and failures are ultimate  attributes and overcoming them provides ultimate success. Every mistake or failure provides a new direction to move forward. Learn from then; do not hide them.

Do not Compare, Connect.

Do not compare the outcomes of your activity with others. Connect with them by following their best actions perceived. This will help you to move in forward direction and destress you so that you perform better.

Avoid procrastination.

Procrastinate –(Trouble persuading yourself to do the things you should do or would like to do.)

You have set your work actin line for perfectionism but during the action process, if a new or parallel action is the need, you try to compare it with the perfect action decided by you earlier. And as such the thought process dwindles to act and the procrastination results. Best way to fight procrastination is to accept and manage changes.

Some of the points mentioned above will rectify the aftereffects of perfectionist approach ( perfectionism is stressful and makes us feel worse about ourselves.)

Summery Tips to Avid Perfectionism

A summary of tips on overcoming perfectionism is given below for ready reference .

  • Find Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats regarding yourself to understand the self within.
  • Accept yourself and motivate yourself for shortcomings. Instead of focusing on others, get to know yourself.
  • Compare yourself with other in reference to your strength and weaknesses. Instead of comparing yourself to others, know your worth.
  • Experience your imperfections and improvise the outcomes.
  • Be positive and work like team. Teamwork is ultimate for success.
  • Be positive and understand and counter negativism. Challenge your negative thoughts.
  • Plan your work milestones and manage them. Overcoming failures provide ultimate success.
  • Follow good practices not the best practices in setting your standards at workplace to avoid frustration, and disappointments. Avoid setting high standards for your actions- ( shall make your goals achievement easy and you will be a satisfied person)
  • Avoid setting unrealistic expectations – (you will live in real world without stress).
  • Communication is an important aspect and ensure to follow the right process.
  • Every operation must be done with right process, tools and techniques and inputs for a good output, with a provision of necessary improvisation.
  • Hard and fast operation rules must be avoided at workplace.
  • Monitoring and control and feedback are good for learning. Equally good is to understand the historical aspect for similar workplace operations.
  • Act to face failures and sufferings instead of self-criticism and demotivating yourself. Know that nobody is perfect. Auto suggest yourself to face the adversities.
  • Focus on your worth and not on accomplishment, instead of focusing on the outcome, enjoy the process.
  • Keep your conscious clear and go ahead. Instead of trying to please everyone, be true to yourself.
  • Be assertive in carrying out your workplace operations. If you are not, you are killing the needs and requirements, and it will affect the output of the teams.
  • Instead of being ashamed of your flaws, love your imperfect self.
SK Saxena PMP (PMI)


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