
Characteristics for Getting Valued Success 2

Characteristics for Getting Valued Success 2

Topics Covered


Learn Lessons from Past Mistakes

Inability to Recognize Opportunity


Inability to Use Talent

Lack of Discipline

Poor self-esteem

Lack of Knowledge has Negative Impact.

Dream and Desire Create Purpose for Actions

Be Courageous

The habits or traits are bundled in human beings. Bring them to the surface by managing self for achieving meaningful goals to make one happy, safe, and healthy. Success is an ongoing process and is not a destination.

The factor generally is responsible for failures, are as below:

  • Lack of clarity on goals and objectives.

  • Fear of failure.

  • Lack of motivation.

  • Lack of focus.

  • Lack of discipline.

  • Inability to prioritize tasks.

The following other factors should be considered for getting success.


Rationalizing (or remove unreasonable elements from.) a decision or goal can be a powerful tool for success. It can help us to:

  • Make better decisions.

  • Stay motivated.

  • Overcome challenges.

However, it is important to note that rationalizing can also be a dangerous tool. If we use it to justify our bad decisions or to avoid facing reality, it can lead to failure.

Here are some tips for using rationalizing effectively:

When you are rationalizing a decision or a goal, be honest with yourself about the pros and cons.

When you are rationalizing your goals, be realistic about what you can achieve. Don’t set yourself up for failure by setting unrealistic goals. Be realistic.

Things don’t always go according to plan. Be prepared to adjust your rationalizations as needed. Be Flexible.

If you use rationalizing effectively, it can be a powerful tool for success. However, it is important to be aware of the potential dangers of rationalizing and to use it responsibly.

Here are some examples of how rationalizing can be used for success:

  • A student who is having trouble in class would reason that to pass the class, they need to study more and ask their teacher for assistance.

  • A business owner who is trying to launch a new venture would rationalise that to succeed, they must conduct market research, create a business strategy, and obtain financing.

  • A marathon-training athlete would reason that sticking to a schedule, eating well, and getting adequate sleep will help them reach their objective.

In all these cases, rationalizing is being used to make better decisions, stay motivated, and overcome challenges.

Overall, rationalizing can be a powerful tool for success, but it is important to use it effectively and responsibly.

Learn Lessons from Past Mistakes

People will perish if they do not learn from history. If we approach it in the proper way, failure may be a teacher. Failure is not a dead end but a diversion. It is a delay rather than a loss. Our blunders are referred to as experience.

Some people merely live; others live and learn. individuals who are wise learn from their mistakes; individuals who are wiser learn from the mistakes of others. We don’t live long enough to merely learn from our mistakes.

Inability to Recognize Opportunity

There are several reasons why people may be unable to recognize opportunity. Some of the most common reasons include:

  • Lack of knowledge.

  • Tunnel vision. People who are focused on one goal or task may be less likely to see opportunities that arise outside of their narrow focus.

  • Fear of failure.

  • Perfectionism.

  • Confirmation bias. People tend to see what they want to see and to ignore information that contradicts their existing beliefs.

When people are unable to recognize opportunity, it can have a negative impact on their lives in many ways. They may miss out on opportunities to achieve their goals, to make money, or to make a difference in the world. They may also feel frustrated and unfulfilled.

If you are unable to recognize opportunity, there are a few things you can do to overcome this challenge:

  • Be aware of your surroundings. Pay attention to the world around you and look for trends and changes.

  • Be curious. Ask questions and seek out new information.

  • Be creative. Think outside the box and come up with new ideas.

  • Be persistent. Don’t give up easily.

  • Be open to new ideas.

  • Network with people outside of your circle.

  • Be willing to take risks.

  • Don’t be afraid to fail.

By following these tips, you can learn to recognize opportunity and take advantage of the chances that come your way.

Opportunities come disguised as obstacles and do not knock twice. That is why most people don’t recognize them. Remember that the bigger the obstacle, the bigger is the opportunity.


Fear can hold us back from achieving our goals, but it can also motivate us to work harder and achieve more. Fear and success are two sides of the same coin

Here are some of the ways that fear can impact our success:

  • Fear of failing. Those who are terrified of failing may refrain from taking chances or doing novel things.

  • Fear to success. Contrary to popular belief, some people are terrified of success. They can be concerned that they won’t be able to bear the pressure or live up to other people’s expectations.

  • Fear to change. Success frequently entails change, and some people fear change. They could be scared to leave their comfort zone or lose what they have.

Here are a few instances of how fear can motivate us to succeed:

  • Being afraid of failing can spur us on to try more. We can be more driven to work harder to succeed when we are terrified of failing. We might also be more willing to experiment and take chances.

  • Our desire to prepare for success might be fueled by our fear of it. We could be more driven to acquire the abilities and knowledge required for success if we are terrified of success. We might also be more inclined to surround ourselves with allies.

  • Our aversion to change might spur us on to develop and advance. We might be more willing to venture outside of our comfort zones and try new things when we are terrified of change. This can aid in our personal development.

Fear may be a strong motivator if we can control it and turn it to our benefit. We can create plans for overcoming our anxieties and attaining our objectives by being aware of the potential effects that fear may have on our success.

Here are some pointers for overcoming anxiety and succeeding:

  • Recognise your phobias. You must first recognise your anxieties. What frightens you? You can start overcoming your worries once you are aware of them.

  • Refute your pessimistic beliefs. Challenge any unfavourable thoughts you may have about your abilities or self. Do you have any supporting evidence for the thought? If not, swap it out for a more uplifting one.

  • Pay attention to your assets. Everyone has assets and liabilities. Utilise your advantages by concentrating on your strengths.

  • Set reasonable objectives. Don’t make yourself a failure by establishing impossible goals. Set manageable, incremental goals that you can work towards over time.

  • Be willing to fail. Everybody blunders occasionally. It’s crucial to keep trying and to learn from your failures.

  • Find assistance. Be in the company of individuals who support and believe in you and your aspirations. This will support your motivation and

By following these tips, you can learn to manage your fear and achieve your goals. Remember, fear is a normal part of life. It is how we react to fear that determines our success.

Inability to Use Talent

Many factors can prevent someone from making use of their talents. Among the most popular explanations are:

  • Dread of failing

  • Low sense of self.

  • Lack of assistance

There are a few things you can do to get beyond this obstacle if you are unable to use your talents:

  • Determine your strengths.

  • Look for chances to put your skills to work

  • Do not fear failure.

  • Be tolerant.

  • Find assistance. Be in the company of individuals who support and believe in you and your aspirations. This will assist you in maintaining motivation and overcoming obstacles.

  • Don’t give up if you’re finding it difficult to put your skills to use.

Lack of Discipline

Discipline-less people could try to accomplish everything, but they never commit since they can’t concentrate on just one thing at a time. They might also lack the self-control to follow through on a plan, although knowing it is beneficial for them.People lacking discipline may try to achieve everything while making no commitments for the following reasons:

  • They can fear failing.

  • They may be easily distracted.

  • They may lack motivation. .

  • They may be perfectionists.

  • They may try to do everything but commit to nothing.

  • They may start new projects without finishing old ones.

  • They may take on too much responsibility and then not be able to follow through.

  • They may also make promises that they cannot keep.

This ack of discipline can have a negative impact on all areas of their lives, including their work, relationships, and personal well-being.

If you are struggling with discipline, there are a few things you can do to improve:

  • Set realistic small, achievable goals that you can build on over time.

  • Break down large tasks into smaller onesso that the tasks are meaningful and less daunting and help you to stay focused.

  • Reward yourself for completing tasks to help you to stay motivated and on track.

  • Eliminate distractions as much as possible.

  • Don’t be afraid to ask from a friend, family member, or colleague or anybody from the workplace.

Although it takes time and work, discipline can be improved. You may improve your self-control, concentrate on one thing at a time, and accomplish your goals by using the advice in this article.

More significant than inconsistent effort is consistency, which requires discipline.

Both discipline and remorse hurt. Most people may choose between the two.

Children who are raised with an excessive amount of freedom and no structure typically don’t respect themselves, their parents, or society as adults and struggle to take on responsibilities.

Poor Self-esteem

The general view we have of ourselves, and our value is known as self-esteem. It is based on our perceptions of our skills, traits, and personalities. Self-esteem can range from very high to very low.

Because it can improve many aspects of our lives, including our mental health, relationships, and employment, healthy self-esteem is crucial. People who have a strong sense of self-worth are more likely to be content and joyful. Additionally, they are more prone to take chances, experiment, and succeed.

Low self-esteem can be caused by a variety of factors, including traumatic experiences in childhood, bullying, and irrational expectations. There are numerous things we may do to boost our self-esteem, though.

Here are some tips for improving self-esteem:

  • Identify your benefits and drawbacks. Every person has both good and bad qualities. It’s important to be aware of both focusing on your assets and correcting your weaknesses.

  • Establish reasonable goals. When we set objectives that are too difficult to achieve, we are more likely to fail and experience negative emotions. Instead, set small, manageable objectives that you can gradually build upon.

  • Face your negative thoughts. Check to discover if anything negative you are thinking about yourself is actually true. Is there any evidence to support that? If not, try replacing it with one that is more uplifting.

  • Make a list of your benefits and drawbacks. Positive and negative traits can be found in everyone. It is essential to be aware of both if you want to focus on your assets and fix your weaknesses.

  • Set attainable goals. When we set objectives that are too difficult to reach, we are more likely to fail and feel horrible about ourselves. Instead, set modest, doable objectives that you may later on build upon.

  • Face the negative thoughts you have. When you are having negative thoughts about yourself, consider whether they are accurate. Are there any facts to support that? If not, try substituting a more upbeat one.

  • Having a conversation with a therapist or counsellor may be beneficial if you are experiencing low self-esteem. They can assist you in figuring out the cause of your low self-esteem and creating plans for raising it.

Lack of respect and worth for oneself characterizes low self-esteem. It results in maltreatment of both one and other people. The ego takes the wheel. Often, decisions are made more to appease the ego than to achieve something meaningful. Low self-esteem causes people to constantly search for their identity. They are looking for who they are. The self is something that must be formed, not found.

Making excuses and being idle are both effects of having low self-esteem. Idleness corrodes even the most dazzling metal like rust.

Lack of Knowledge has Negative Impact.

Lack of knowledge can make it difficult to decide, solve problems, and achieve our goals, and can lead to prejudice, discrimination, and conflict.

How lack of knowledge can impact our lives in various spheres of life, some of which are mentioned:

  • Education: Students who lack knowledge in certain subjects will struggle to succeed in school.

  • Employment: Lack of knowledge in the workforce makes it difficult to sustain workplace operations and affects productivity.

  • Relationship: No knowledge of emotional intelligence jeopardizes the relationship.

  • Healthcare: People who lack knowledge about health and nutrition are more likely to make unhealthy choices that could lead to chronic diseases.

  • Social Environment: People who lack knowledge about current events related to society are less likely to participate in the democratic process.

  • Lack of knowledge can also lead to prejudice, discrimination, and conflict.

  • Knowledge is power. Enhanced knowledge, can make better decisions, solve problems more effectively.

We can read books and articles, watch educational documentaries, take classes, and talk to experts. We can also learn from our own experiences and from the experiences of others. Nowadays in the world of advanced digital technology Tours, travel and awareness immensely enhances knowledge.

A person becomes more aware of his areas of ignorance as he gains knowledge. The one with the most to learn is the one who believes they know everything.

People who are ignorant are unaware of their ignorance. They are unaware of their ignorance. The illusion of knowing, which can deceive a person, is a bigger issue than ignorance.

Non-Positive Attitudes

Non-positive attitudes are those that have pessimistic, negative, or fatalistic outcomes. These attitudes

Prevents people from accepting responsibility.

People resign themselves to their fate.

Some People Think They are Just Unlucky

They lack courage, commitment, and confidence.

They can manifest in a variety of ways, including:

  • Self-defeating speech, such as declaring, “I’m not good enough” or “I’ll never succeed.”

  • Resentment towards successful individuals and anger over past events are traits that define negative people.

Argumentativeness is the act of persistently criticising the beliefs and conduct of others.

  • The consequences of blaming others for one’s own actions

  • Pessimism, which includes statements such as “I’m going to fail” and “There’s no point in trying.”

  • Complaining: Their operations and workplaces don’t seem to be working well for them.

  • Placing blame—for instance, by stating something like, “I can’t do anything because of my circumstances”

  • Laziness – delaying tasks, avoiding difficulties, or coming up with justifications for our lack of productivity.

They may lead to feelings of unhappiness, unfulfillment, and failure. They can also harm our interactions with others and make it more difficult for us to accomplish our objectives.

One must try to develop positive attitudes. Here are some ways to create changes

  • Become more aware of your thoughts and feelings.

  • Challenge your negative thoughts.

  • Focus on the positive.

  • Be grateful.

  • Surround yourself with positive people.

  • Practice self-care.

It takes time and effort to change non-positive attitudes, but it is possible. By being more mindful of your thoughts and feelings, challenging your negative thoughts, and focusing on the positive, you can develop a more positive outlook on life.

The only way to overcome the non- positive attitude is to accept responsibility and believe in the law of cause and effect (The universal law of cause and effect states that for every effect there is a definite cause, likewise for every cause, there is a definite effect).

Dreams and Desire Create Purpose for Action

Dreams and desires are the fuel that drives our actions. When we have a dream or desire, it gives us a sense of purpose. It motivates us what we want to achieve in life and what we are working towards. When people lack purpose and direction, they see no opportunity.

Character (the mental and moral qualities) is the foundation for success.

Our dreams and desires, big or small,  can be about  career,  relationships, health, personal advancements. Whatever they are, they give us a direction to move forward.

As we connect with our values, dreams and desires can also be a great tool. We feel purpose and fulfilment when we are working towards a goal that is important to us. Additionally, it makes us feel closer to both us and other people.

  • Here are some examples of how dreams and desires can create purpose for actions:

  • A student who wants to become a doctor may put in a lot of study time and long hours to accomplish their objective.

  • To realise their ambition of opening their own firm, an entrepreneur may be willing to take risks and work very hard.

  • Athletes that dream of earning a gold medal may practise nonstop to reach their objective.

  • A volunteer who wants to change the world can devote their time and efforts to a cause they believe in.

Spend some time thinking about your goals and aspirations if you’re feeling down or uninspired. You can begin making an activity plan once you have a clearer information on your goals.

Keep in mind that your aspirations are legitimate. Try not to permit anybody prevent you from accomplishing your objectives. Go for your objectives and trust yourself. You have huge potential.

“Desire is what made a boy with burnt legs set the world record in the one-mile run.” Glen Cunningham,

Be Courageous

Courage (also called bravery or valour) is the choice and willingness to confront agony, pain, danger, uncertainty, or intimidation.

Physical courage is the ability to face physical danger.

Moral courage is the capacity to uphold what is just, despite opposition or hardship.

Intellectual courage may be defined as having a consciousness of the need to face and fairly address ideas, beliefs.

Known and unknown risks are associated with everyone’s action part. Courage is associated with our actions. Here are some examples of courage:

  • Handling unlawful actions

  • Fight with terrorists

  • Whittle blower is a courageous for his positive actions.

  • Witness courage to face law in the court.

  • Fight with enemy at borders and within the country.

  • A parent who stands up to a bully on their child’s behalf.

  • Courage to face discrimination.

  • Intellectuals   face the unlawful actions to save Some tips for successful operations.

♦ Maintain your direction and dedication.

♦ Learn from the life of great masters and fighters as regard to achievement associated with them.

♦ Associate with people of high moral character.

♦ Create a mission for your actions

♦ Know your strength and weakness. Also, opportunity and threats

♦ Keep your conscience clear and move ahead for decision making

♦ Be honest

Successful people seek support from character, courage, and strength to overcome obstacles. Failure for them is a motivational aspect. Their strong willingness to move forward helps them to avoid obstinacy.

SK Saxena PMP (PMI)


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